Knowledge Now present a one day master class on Increased Productivity through Behavioral Waste Management conducted by Neville Gaunt, an internationally renowned keynote speaker; co-founder of Mind Fit, a UK based company; and co-author of “Is your mind fit for golf? The missing link to your success”, and Graham Williams, Director of Development at Mind Fit.
The master class aims to enable students, professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders to identify negative activities through the term ‘Behavioral Waste’ and the experience of being trapped or ignoring gaps between beliefs and reality which generates much of that waste –it is this identification of behavioral waste that forms the first step to its elimination. The Masterclass will further aim to raise individual awareness and that of your business about how attitudes and behaviors impact on everyone’s ability to perform to their optimum, lead and engage, work in teams, and ultimately improve performance.
What is Behavioral Waste Management?
Behavioral wastes are all forms of behavior that divert energy, focus, talent and resources away from personal or organizational purpose. They stop us thinking, leave us in a frustrated state and we lose the drive to do anything different. Behavioral Waste results in unproductive ‘games’ that people persist in playing that lead to and may include:
- Unchallenged low performance and weak leadership
- Setting unrealistic targets
- Unnecessary ritual meetings or consistent lateness at meetings
- Supporting internal competition that benefits the minority and not the business
- Training that consistently fails to deliver results, whose ineffectiveness is accepted or ignored
- Failure to tackle bullies or resolve conflicts
- Persistent, cynical attitudes that reduce commitment
- Maintaining obsolete working practices and processes
- Unfair loading of key individuals
Such behaviors are caused by ‘can’t-do’ or ‘won’t-do’ beliefs and attitudes where people ignore or make excuses for failure or simply do not put the effort in to face them, name them and taking action to eliminate them. Sometimes people lose sight of what is needed and spend their time stabilizing unproductive activities because the fear of doing something different may be too scary and they find themselves locked into hygiene or tidying routines under pressure. When we hear a new idea, we become programmed to look for weaknesses or flaws instead of trying to identify the positive, useful elements. If offered an alternative approach we often decide not to take the risk by applying a routine ‘won’t-do’ defensive excuse and block a new thought or initiative to transform a difficult situation.
Benefits of Master Class
In the Middle East and Asia, regular Gallup surveys suggest that only 10% of those in work are engaged in what they do. With this stubborn, immovable figure that is 90% will be disengaged – hence organizations will struggle with innovation, new more effective and efficient processes or any productive change because people’s attitudes will simply block any progress. And although it is widely accepted that people do not like change, management ignore it and research continues to suggest that organizations invest and serge ahead expecting people to join in merely because it is a better solution. That approach has not worked in past and never will.
People that are engaged in their work are happier and will perform better because they have a direct link from their personal meaning and organizational culture, to the organization’s purpose. Why ignore these facts, and why not use them to your benefit? Organizations that use this knowledge effectively are very few and Apple, Google, Microsoft, Virgin Airlines are global brands that have used it wisely.
We can start improving at any level but the quickest and most effective is to address the leadership, the management employed to drive the organization. In June 2009 in the Harvard Business Review Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman published their finding on “The Ten Fatal Flaws That Derail Leaders”. They included a lack of energy and enthusiasm, lack of clear vision and direction, resisting new ideas and not learning from mistakes. Does that look familiar?
Learning Outcomes:
- Discovering the power of a Reality-Driven Leader.
- How to identify Behavioral Waste, the parasite that blocks personal and organizational progress.
- How students, professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs first reduce their personal Behavioral Waste and then focus on cultural and systemic waste through personal focus and effort.
- How to engage people and develop growth mind-sets, “Can-Do” attitudes with little Behavioral Waste.
- GUARANTEED improved personal productivity and performance –be it academics, profession or business.
- GUARANTEED improved organizational productivity and performance.
The Mind FIT Process
“Mind Fit people create added value and discover new value in your business”. Mind Fit … developing ‘can do’ people
Mind Fitness is a completely different approach to developing people. We are at the leading edge of positive psychology and have developed a new model and approach based on focused natural learning™. An approach used by the very best performers in the world. The process is scientifically sound, business focused, practical and sustainable.
We unlock the trapped potential in organizations by giving people the ‘know-how’ to revolutionize performance. Our practical, thought-provoking methods free people from bad habits and restore hidden strengths enabling you and your colleagues to always be at your best.
Experience and evidence tells us that the time needed to make the changes that will improve performance is relatively small we will be seek those small changes which have a big impact.Graham has in-depth personal experience of coaching and developing inspirational leaders, high performing teams and exceptional individuals in both work and physical environments.
- Specialties: Linking people to performance and business imperatives.
- Focus is personal effectiveness, teams and leaders.
- Preparing people for ‘Lean’ management
- Stress management
“Right Attitude + Winning Mind = High Performance”
Who Should Attend
- Executives and entrepreneurs with a minimum of 8 years’ experience.
- CEOʼs, COOʼs, CFOʼs, Directors, General Managers, and Vice Presidents.
- Business Owners ,Functional Heads, Decision Makers
- Business Unit Leaders, Senior Level Managers, Mid Level Executives